Saturday 19 September 2020

Saturday 19 September – Blarney

Today was a “day off”. Late late start to a bright sunny day although the breeze was a bit cool. As we're planning an early start tomorrow, to visit Waterford Glass, thought we'd have Sunday Breakfast today – it feels like Sunday anyway – which of course was actually “brunch”.

Thereafter, got the chairs out and sat in the sun between the vans for the afternoon to enjoy probably the last chance of topping up the tan this year. Of course Jamie still wanted his walks whilst periodically joining Woody (Colin & Tina's Yorkie) shouting at the other dogs on the site! Also discussed our various plans from now on – we of course will be returning north to Belfast whilst our friends will be remaining in the area until their crossing from Rosslare, which is less than 50 miles from Waterford.

A nice salmon salad for tea then another quiet evening just chillin'.


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