Sunday 13 September 2020

Saturday/Sunday 12/13 September - Cahersiveen



Saturday was a bright enough start but of course it didn't last however at least it stayed dry. Even got the chairs out in anticipation! After breakfast Bren went into the town with Colin and Tina whilst Terry did a few domestic chores. Once the shopping was packed away we had a late lunch then spent the afternoon hobbying. Later Colin and Tina came round with cake for an hour chinwag – I should mention here that we had decided to stay an extra night to avoid the possibility of more crowds on Sunday.

Apart from regular walkies that was about it for the day – nothing to write about so I won't!

Sunday was really almost a repeat, apart from the shopping trip, following our usual Sunday Full English Breakfast listening to Steve Wright on Radio 2 via the internet.



Our afternoon chat included what we were going to do once we'd got to the end of the Wild Atlantic Way, us returning to Belfast for the ferry whilst they were still booked on the Rosslare-Fishguard crossing. Nothing really decided and as we've got until next weekend at least we've put it on the back burner. There's still a lot to see – just wish the weather would buck up a bit. All the forecasters keep predicting warm dry sunny weather but it doesn't seem to be happening here. Packed the chairs away unused.


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New Blog started

 It's a couple of years later now. In between we've had Brexit, the Covid pandemic and Terry suffered some serious medical problems....